34507 Elmtree Rd, Carson IA (9/30) - Old Omaha

34507 Elmtree Dr - SOLD by Tim Reeder on 10/23/2020m for $185,500

Carson, IA

2 beds/1 baths/2 car garage


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Listing AgentTim Reeder

Built in 2005

What a great piece of property and great opportunity. A hard to find, affordable, private acreage only 15 minutes from Iowa Western. The property easy to get to, less than 2 miles of gravel, off Hwy 6. The home is 2 bedrooms 1 of which was previously 2 bedrooms merged, so could be 3 again. The home needs paint and flooring. Large outbuilding. The home is great and will not last long.


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